Bacteriophage solution for diabetic feet infections
With support of a NADP Intellectual Property Voucher and a NADP Value Proposition Voucher we evaluated if and how phage therapy could be useful in the treatment of the diabetic foot. First, we did market research and find the patient and professional perspective of this new therapy. Second, we looked at the freedom to operate of a device to make the application of phages easy and reliable for this patient population and the healthcare professionals involved. First thing to do is to apply for centralised approval procedure of the EMA to get allowance to use phages on patients. (The FDA has awarded such procedure recently). Second issue would be to get financial support from insurance companies to do a clinical improvement traject/study to proof the new system functions better. Together with the initiation of a new multidisciplinary approach from first and second line healthcare professionals and a on line surveillance system a new classification system should be used to secure early intervention by phages. This intervention should be performed with a new system that is patented and easy to use for nurse practitioners in a GP setting.
Dr. Joris Krijger, Phage Wound Care BV