Benefit Call open for Belgium-Netherlands Funding of International Trials
23 January 2018

The aim of the call is to provide funding for clinical trials that compare the effectiveness of existing health care interventions that are already in use in a given indication, e.g. comparisons between two medications, medical therapy versus surgery, trials investigating optimal timing of surgery etc. The research should be pragmatic and practice-oriented. Each BeneFIT Trial should be of a non-commercial nature. The different treatment options that are compared in a BeNeFIT Trial should concern treatments that are (or have the potential of being) reimbursed by health care payers in Belgium and The Netherlands. Accepted study interventions are not limited to drugs or medical devices but also include a broad range of interventions, such as psychotherapy, diagnostic tests or surgery.
Eligible candidates
Research teams from Belgium and the Netherlands can apply to this call. The sponsor (main applicant) should be located in one of the two countries and should be supported by a national coordinating centre in the other country. Both Belgian and Dutch centres should participate, ideally with a good regional spread, and in Belgium, both French-speaking and Dutch-speaking centres should participate.
Eligibility criteria
- The proposed budget of the trial must be reasonable and commensurate with the work involved. A thorough evaluation of the proposed budget is part of the total assessment procedure.
- The duration of the trial should be realistic and be able to generate results preferably within 5 years.
- The total maximum available budget for this call is 6 million Euros, with the intention to fund 2-3 trials.
More information
For more information, or submission, please visit the website of ZonMw.