NADP Alliance Management and support in NWO-TTW grant applications

10 July 2017

An interview with Schelto Korf, NADP Alliance manager

I am currently working on partnering for several proposals for an NWO-TTW call. On May 24, NWO-TTW published the Call for proposals for the research programme ‘Novel Antibacterial Compounds and Therapies Antagonizing Resistance (NACTAR)’. The deadline for submission of the preproposals was on June 27.

In the short period before the deadline I have been in contact with ten academic researchers with an interest to apply for the NACTAR call and seeking one or more private partners. So far, I have introduced five researchers to at least one new partner, before submission of their pre-proposal. For four other researchers I am still actively searching for new partners. I expect more requests will come once the applicants have received the evaluation of their pre-proposals from NWO-TTW.

I am also contacted by several private parties. For example, two industrial parties expressed their interest to join a consortium and asked me to identify projects that might be relevant for them to join. Both of them are now evaluating a specific research project.

My approach is straightforward. First, I want to understand the interests of the participant. What do they want to bring in the project? And what do they want to get out of it? Which connections do they already have? And what do they need to fulfil the requirements for an application? Once this is clear, I discuss with them if and how I can offer support. In most cases, I search for new parties within or outside my own network. As I have worked with a range of both academic and industrial parties over the past 11 years, I have a broad local and international network within the life sciences. Together with my colleagues at Immuno Valley, I can also offer support in writing and reviewing of grant proposals. For this NACTAR call, as the time available before the deadline is short, I suggest to look at all options available to you, to maximize results in the grant applicant process

I invite you to contact me if you have interests with respect to the NACTAR call or any other initiatives and collaborations you want to speak about.

Contact Schelto Korf, Alliance manager
Immuno Valley
+31 (0)30 253 11 42