NADP is joining Netherlands Trade Mission to India
16 October 2019

The Dutch trade and innovation mission to India coincides with the state visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima. The visit symbolizes the excellent longstanding ties between the two countries. A delegation of business delegation and knowledge institutions with focus on Agri & Food, Water & Waste and Health will join the Minister Sigrid Kaag of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Minister Bruins of Medical Care and Sports and State Secretary Mona Keijzer for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, to look for cross-border collaborations between businesses, government and knowledge institutions.

Cornelis Boersma
On behalf of NADP Cornelis Boersma joins this mission (14-19 October), to look for cross-border collaboration opportunities aiming at accelerating Research & Development (R&D) of new antibiotics and alternatives. During the Tech Summit – opened by King Willem Alexander on October 15 – there were a number of sessions addressing the importance of development of (new) antibiotics and vaccines as well as how to tackle AMR from a One Health perspective. Here, Cornelis contributed as panelist to address the importance of public-private collaborations to develop promising ‘leads’ for antibiotics and alternatives and explained the financial voucher instrument of the NADP for early phase research. In addition, Cornelis shared ideas on alternative collaborative and financial models to enhance R&D productivity in collaboration with interested partners to enable R&D beyond more fundamental research including conditions for success.
Cornelis: “I am very excited about opportunities to extend accelerated development of new antibiotics and alternatives and hope that this will lead to tangible follow-up the next coming days.
Thursday and Friday the mission will continue in Bangalore with further sessions on vaccines and therapeutics and field visits to the Centre for Cellular & Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) and Anthem Biosciences.