NADP support office has moved to the Institute of Biology at Leiden University

23 November 2020

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After three years being hosted by University Medical Center Utrecht the NADP support office has now moved to the Institute of Biology, Leiden University.

The NADP Finances will continue to be handled by Utrecht University, as per the Consortium agreement. Dr. Maribel Adame Valero will lead the support office, supported by ms. Manou van der Wolf, and Linda van Balen, and a soon to be recruited communication officer.

Contact details

Tel: +31 71 527 1126
Address: Sylviusweg 72, 2333 BE Leiden

With many thanks to UMCU for all the support provided in these years (especially Jovanka Bestebroer, Heine van Wieren and Nicole van Erp) and a warm welcome to our new colleagues in IBL, Leiden University.