ZonMw survey on resources related to antimicrobial resistance research
11 July 2019
ZonMw (the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development) is performing, on behalf of JPIAMR and the recently started consortium VALUE-Dx, a survey on resources (collections of biological material and databases) that are relevant for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research. In parallel, they collect information about services that are provided by research infrastructures and some biobanks.
Why should you participate?
By participating in this survey, you are contributing to closing the current gap of information, and establishing a strong basis for AMR research. The AMR research community is eager to gain better and accurate knowledge about resources and services available in the field, where to find them, how they compare to one another, and to assess their fitness for reuse in new research. Moreover, researchers need information to contact the owner or custodian of such resources to make arrangements for sharing them.
As the survey is initiated by a large network of active AMR researchers, participation may also open up opportunities for future collaboration, publications, and research funding. Finally, you will get first-hand information from the report that will be constructed from this survey.
The link to the survey: https://nl.surveymonkey.com/r/VS87GV8
The deadline for completing the survey is September 1st, 2019.